Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Blog Assignment #2

1. Were the questions on the Moral Sense Test difficult to answer (psychologically, emotionally, conceptually, technically, etc.)? Why or why not? Do you think your responses to the Moral Sense Test questions were consistent? Does this matter?
I felt that some questions were more difficult to answer because the punishment could have been different depending on where it occured. I also felt that some of the questions didn't give you enough information to make a well rounded decision. There were also some questions that were just too obvious that they were bad decisions and that they should obviously be punished. The test overall made me somewhat frustrated because of the sererios that were given mainly for the fact that some weren't realistic and that I didn't recieve any kind of feedback at the end of the test. The test questions were consistent in the manner that they were formatted the same but I think the actual questions themselves varied from each other for the exception of a few.

2. Should people always follow the law? Why or why not? When might one be justified in NOT following the law? Give examples.

I think that people should follow the laws at all times with the only exceptions being if it's for an emergency purpose or if it's in a way of self-defense. For example I think it's okay to speed if it's an emergency and you're trying to get somewhere important in a fast manner as long as you don't put anyone else in harms way. I also feel that if it comes down to you protecting yourself in a form of self defense then it's okay but to avoid it if you can. If someone is trying to attack you or kill you I think you should have the right to protect yourself even if it means causes harm on them to save yourself.

3. In your own words, explain what "social convention" means. Give examples.
In my opinion and from what I've learned a social convention is a common and well known norm or custom in a particular area of people. For example in our society and country we greet people with a handshake in both a casual and business atmosphere. We say hello when we see someone and goodbye when we leave them.

4. Should people always follow the conventions of their society? Why or why not? Give examples.
I wouldn't say that they should ALWAYS follow the conventions of their society because they might not always agree with them or believe in them. For the most part though I think people do follow the conventions of their society so it's usually not something often brought up. An example would be that if your society prays when they meet like for dinner or in a large group but because of your religious preference you may not necessarily agree.

5. Should people always follow their own principles? Why or why not? Give examples.
I definately think that people should follow their own principles because whose principles would be better to follow than their own? I think that people should stick to their principles and stand behind that because it's usually about something that you believe in or it may be something you live by. The only exception to following your own principles all the time is that it's fine as long as you don't cause harm or issues with other people when doing so because then I think it would become a problem.

6. Explain in your own words the difference between socially acceptable, legally acceptable, and morally acceptable.
To start off, I would say that socially acceptable would be that your actions, thoughts, words or ideas would be socially acceptable if it was a common things that others around you in society would agree with and do also. Legally acceptable would something that would legal and also that others would agree with in society and if it was something illegal then it wouldn't be accepted. And morally acceptable I feel you would have to judge based on your own morals because everyone has different morals and might not all think that something is morally acceptable if you do and vice versa.

7. Out of 25 points, how many points do you feel your work on this assignment deserves? Justify your answer.
I would say that I deserve atleast a 20. I feel this way because even though I may not have answered these questions completely correct or to the point of what you were looking for, I did answer them to the best of my ability. I also took my time and thought about each individual answer before I answered it and with that I feel that I should receieve a good grade.

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