FOCUS: Moral Ideals
(1) Choose one inquiry, from inquiries 1 - 28 (pages 114 - 117). Indicate which inquiry you chose, and then briefly explain it in your own words: I chose inquiry # 21. It talks about a high school basketball coash having a rule for his players that if he catches any of them smoking or finds out that they have been smoking they will be dropped from the team for the rest of the season.
(2) Stakeholders: The basketball coach, the player caught smoking, the other teammates on the basketball team, the school, the other team they are playing.
(3) Are the details given sufficient? Why or why not? The details given are sufficient enough because within the inquiry the coach states what his rules are and what the consequences are if you break them. And he clearly
(4) What additional questions does this inquiry raise? What did the other teammates think about this decision? Did anyone else on the team know that the one player got caught? What would have happened if he had suspended that player? Would it make a difference to the team winning?
1. Obligations (aka "duties"): Optional this week
2. Moral Ideals (aka "virtues"): See breakdown of ideals below
3. Consequences (aka "outcomes" or "results"): Optional this week
NOTE: Not ALL of the following ideals will apply! Only consider the main ones that you believe apply, in the inquiry you chose. Don't just pick the easy ones to consider, because you didn't take the time to thoroughly read the chapter and learn what each one of these actually means. I will quiz you when we do group work on Thursday.
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Prudence: n/a
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Justice: This relates because the coach might give justice to the one player by a way of playing favorites so he can play in the game or maybe so they have a better chance at winning.
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Temperance: n/a
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Courage: The coach would show that he has courage by still punishing the player even if that means the player or players would get mad because it's such a big game and that he has courage for sticking to his word even though it might mean they won't win.
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Loving Kindness: n/a
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Honesty: If the coach was honest to himself and his players he would punish the player because it would show that he's sticking to his word and making things fair by being honest.
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Compassion: The coach might have compassion for the player and not punish him because hes worked hard all season and deserves to play in the big game.
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Forgiveness: The coach could forgive the player for smoking and not hold it against him.
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Reparation: This could be tied in by the player never smoking again to show his teammates and coach that what he did was wrong and that it affected them too.
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Repentance: This has to do with the inquiry because the player could apologize to the coach for smoking when he knew he would get in trouble.
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Gratitude: The player might have gratitude towards the coach for either forgiving him for what he did or for allowing him to still play in the game.
* Cardinal Ideal/Virtue of Beneficence: The coach might be easy on the player because it's such a big game and allow him to play as a random act of kindness even though what he did was wrong and he knows it. (pg. 110)
* Conflicting ideals--consider the relative importance of each; determine which ideal represents the greater good (or the lesser evil). See pages 110-11 for clarification. Erase this sentence & insert your own answer.
Alternative #1: The coach could ignore what the player did and pretend it never happend.
Alternative #2: The coach could punish the player and no longer allow him to play in the game
Alternative #3: The coach could find another punishment for the player but still allow him to play in the big game of the season.
Examine the action taken or proposed and decide whether it achieves the greater good (the most widespread "respect for persons")...if it does not, choose one that will, from your alternatives. Where the choice of actions is such that no good can be achieved, choose the action that will result in the lesser evil.Erase this sentence & insert your own answer. Justify your answer in DETAIL. Make sure you cite specific passages from the book and/or chapter, which helped you arrive at your conclusion...thus proving to me you read this book.
The most ethical action would be that the coach stick to his word and not let the player play in the big game for smoking. It would show that he is firm about his rules. It would lead to his players listening and respecting him for his rules so others won't make the same bad decision and it would teach the player who was caught smoking not to do it again. I came to this conclusion by reading the ideals in conflict (pg. 110) because although the coach wants to punish the player he might be punishing himself because the team might not win. But with most decisions there is some kind of conflict but we still have to make that decision because we know it's whats right and most ethical.
1. In your own words, describe something new that you learned from this week’s assigned reading material and guidance.
I learned more in depth about values and virtues. I learned that there are many different kinds that we deal with everyday and we just don't realize it. Everyone has there own morals but there is still a basic code of morals and virtures that we all try to or should try to follow.
2. In your own words, describe in detail some insight you gained, about the material, from one of your classmates' blogs this week.
When I read over JDR's ethics blog I learned that everyone has different looks on what is ethical and what is the best decision that can be made in different situations.
3. Did you post a thoroughly completed post to your blog on time this week?
Yes i did :)
4. Did you ALSO print this out, so you can bring it to class and earn total points?
5. Of 25 points total, my efforts this week deserve:
I feel that I deserve atleast a 20 because I fully completed the assignment and did it on time. I answered each part to the best of my ability I'm just not sure if I did everything completely correct or how you wanted it. I took my time doing this assignment and spend a lot of time doing so. I also read the chapter to get a full and better understanding of the assignment so I could do it to the best of my ability.
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